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World Water Day in the OPT
Ref.: 19/2016
22، Mar 2016

water-in-the-OptSince the beginning of the Israeli occupation, Palestinians have not had full control over their own natural resources, including water. Israel, the Occupying Power,  has maintained a hegemony over water resources through a set of military laws and orders, provisions  under the Oslo Accords and land confiscation. Through the integration of water resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territory into the Israeli system, Israel allocates water resources for the benefit of its own Israeli citizens and settlers at the expense of Palestinians. This discriminatory allocation deprives most Palestinians from their essential needs for livelihood and creates harsh conditions for many communities. 

On the occasion of World Water Day 2016, Al-Haq presents the following info-graphic on the situation of water in the Jordan Valley. The majority of the Jordan Valley is classified as Area C of the West Bank, and under full Israeli control.

Click here to view the info-graphic on the situation of water in the Jordan Valley