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During CIGA’s Second International Solidarity with Palestine Award Ceremony, Al-Haq Receives the Human Rights Award
26، Jun 2021

On 17 June 2021, Al-Haq received the Human Rights Award during the Second International Solidarity with Palestine Award Ceremony, which was organized by the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA). Presented by Prof. Dr. Sami A. Al-Arian, Director and Public Affairs Professor at CIGA at Istanbul Zaim University, the award was received by Shawan Jabarin, the General Director of Al-Haq. Al-Haq further participated in the Second International Conference on Palestine, which was held from 18-23 June 2021, as Jabarin presented a paper entitled "The Struggle for Freedom and Human Rights."

In his acceptance speech, Jabarin stressed that this award is for all of those who raised their voices against Israel’s colonization and oppression of the Palestinian people, and those who keep pushing for justice and accountability. Reflecting on the situation on the ground, Jabarin asserted that the last few weeks have proven Israel’s failure to divide and fragment the Palestinian people, as Palestinians have demonstrated their unity in the Palestinian struggle. Finally, by highlighting the cruciality of changing the status-quo that denies Palestinian people their inalienable rights, Jabarin assured that Al-Haq will continue to document human rights violations, advocate for Palestinian rights, and support the prosecution of Israeli perpetrators of international crimes.

During CIGA’s Second International Conference on Palestine “Challenging Apartheid in Palestine: Reclaiming the Narrative, Formulating a Vision,” Jabarin contextualized Israel’s unlawful policies and practices, including, inter alia, its permit regimes, land confiscation, discriminatory zoning and planning, segregation, pillage of natural resources, state complicity with non-state actors, and denial of return; affirming Israel’s settler-colonial and apartheid regime imposed over the Palestinian people as a whole. Stressing on the cruciality of accountability, Jabarin underscored how the international community’s failure to hold Israel accountable is undermining the very structure and purpose of international law.