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Al-Haq Holds a New Training Course in a Series of Courses on the Protection of Women in Armed Conflicts
30، Apr 2012

Center_AprilWithin the framework of its capacity building program Al-Haq, through its Center for Applied International Law, conducted a three-day training course on the protection of women in armed conflicts. The training course, which took place from 24 to 26 April 2012 in Ramallah, focused on topics like the evolution and principles of IHL, protection of women and children under IHL, trends of human rights violations that affect Palestinian women, the most serious crimes in international law, monitoring and accountability mechanisms as well as other topics. The training course targeted staff members and volunteers from Women’s Center for Legal Counseling and Women’s Technical Committee. Over 20 women participated in the training course.  

It is worth noting that this training course is part of a wider project on the protection of women in armed conflict that Al-Haq is implementing and managing together with other four partner organizations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The project includes three components, namely, training, research and advocacy.