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Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law concludes a three days virtual orientation course tailored for the EUPOL COPPS mission
03، Mar 2021

Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law concluded three days virtual international law orientation course designed and tailored to participants from the EUPOL COPPS Mission. The orientation course focused on the applicable international law frameworks in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) and the main violations committed in the OPT. 

Al-Haq legal researchers highlighted the international accountability available for the Palestinian people under international law, business and human rights in the OPT, in addition to an overview of the applicability of IHL and IHRL, and the application of the Apartheid framework. Al-Haq legal researchers also presented an overall picture of the internal Palestinian human rights situation both in the West Bank and Gaza, the judicial system and the upcoming legislative and presidential elections. 

Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association underlined the situation of Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons and detention centres during the course, and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza also provided an online discussion on the human rights situation in the Gaza strip.  

The participants virtually visited the old city of Hebron. Al-Haq field researcher in Hebron introduced the participants to the main human rights violations committed in the city.  

Similar trainings and courses are designed by the Al-Haq center and will run throughout the year, and are running online since the start of the Covid-19 restrictions.