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Establishing Guidelines: To Determine whether the Legal Status of ‘Area C’ in the Occupied Palestinian Territory represents Annexed Territory under International Law
07، Dec 2021
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Al-Haq’s publication, “Establishing Guidelines to Determine whether the Legal Status of ‘Area C’ in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) represents Annexed Territory under International Law,” provides a practical set of guidelines to determine when the administration of occupied territory veers into unlawful de facto annexation. The report comparatively tests twelve guidelines outlining criteria that might indicate de facto annexation of Area C of the West Bank, an area occupied since 1967 and characterised as an area under full Israeli civil and military control under the 1995 Israel-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The report is the culmination of two years of research prepared by the IHL Clinic of the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum on International Humanitarian Law, Leiden Law School, and developed by Al-Haq.