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Palestine’s Capital Jerusalem under Threat from Israel’s Annexationist Apartheid Regime
01، Dec 2021

Amidst Israel’s ongoing violations and the targeting of the Palestinian people and Palestinian civil society, Al-Haq is releasing four short informative videos that present interrelated issues caused by the illegal annexation of Jerusalem and apartheid regime imposed on Palestinians, on both sides of the ‘Green Line’.

As we observe developments on the ground in Silwan, Sheikh Jarrah and plans for settlement expansion in different parts of the city and its surroundings, we can see how the oppression of Palestinians in Jerusalem creates coercive environments to force their transfer from the city, in violation of their inalienable right to self-determination. Palestinians in Jerusalem struggle with ongoing forceful displacement, dispossession, and appropriation of their land, culture, narratives and historical sites through the application of Israel’s laws, policies, and administrative practices amounting to grave breaches of international law.

The Glossary of the Oppression, presents interconnected breaches of human rights focusing on the Old City of Jerusalem, Silwan, Nabi Samwil and Jerusalem as a whole:

Part 1 - Annexation  

Read the report - ‘Annexing A City: Israel’s Illegal Measures to Annex Jerusalem Since 1948 ’

Part 2 - Dispossession 

Read the report - Occupying Jerusalem’s Old City: Israeli Policies of Isolation, Intimidation, and Transformation

Part 3 - Appropriation

Read the report - Hidden In Plain Sight: The Village Of Nabi Samwil

Watch a documentary on Nabi Samwil - Everything is forbidden: The Village of Nabi Samwil 

 Part 4 - Displacement 

Read the report - House Demolitions and Forced Evictions in Silwan: Israel’s Transfer of Palestinians from Jerusalem