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Al-Haq Welcomes EU, Irish and French Positions and Urges Third States to Take Decisive Action to Prevent Further Israeli Annexation
On 20 April 2020, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and former Chief of General Staff of the Israeli Occupying Forces, Benny Gantz, published a statement regarding a power-sharing coalition...
Al-Haq’s Open Letter to the UN Security Council on Israel’s Plans to Annex the West Bank
Al-Haq expresses its alarm that Israel, with the explicit support of the United States (US), is taking further steps towards the illegal annexation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and urge...
En el Día de los Prisioneros Palestinos, la sociedad civil pide la liberación urgente de los presos y presas palestinos en las cárceles israelíes
Mientras conmemoramos otro año más el Día de los Prisioneros Palestinos, los presos, presas, detenidos y detenidas palestinos se enfrentan a una amenaza adicional con la propagaci...
Την Ημέρα των Παλαιστίνιων Φυλακισμένων, η Κοινωνία των Πολιτών ζητά την Επείγουσα Απελευθέρωση των Παλαιστινίων Φυλακισμένων και Κρατουμένων σε Ισραηλινές Φυλακές
Ημερομηνία: 17 Απριλίου 2020 Με την σηματοδότη...
On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, Civil Society Calls for Urgent Release of Palestinian Prisoners and Detainees in Israeli Prisons
Read it also in: French | Spanish | Greek | Hindi As we mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day this year, Palestinian prisoners and detainees face the additional threat of a coronavirus (COVID-19) o...
Civil Society Groups Send Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Rights and Dignity of Palestinian Workers in Israel during COVID-19
On 14 April 2020, Palestinian, regional and international civil society organisations sent a joint urgent appeal to the United Nations (UN) Special Procedures regarding the dire conditions of Palestin...
Israeli Apartheid Undermines Palestinian Right to Health Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
Joint Statement   This year we mark World Health Day as the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to sweep across the globe, disproportionately impacting those subjected...
COVID-19 and Apartheid: Living with Rights Denials, Arbitrariness, and Fear
The inability to envisage a foreseeable end to the extraordinary measures being imposed in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has generated much uneasiness and distress around the w...
Joint Statement: On Land Day Civil Society Urge Accountability and End to Israel’s Illegal Closure of Gaza
For the past two years,[i] Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip have gathered on a near-weekly basis to participate in the Great Return March demonstrations at the Gaza perimeter fence, callin...
On World Water Day, Al-Haq Recalls Israeli Water-Apartheid Amidst a Global Pandemic
On 22 March every year, World Water Day is designated to measure the world’s progress towards providing everyone with clean, accessible, and affordable water, and reminds us of the challenges fa...
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Time to Recognise and End Israeli Apartheid over the Palestinian People
Joint Statement The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination also marks the 60th anniversary of the Sharpeville Massacre under apartheid in South Africa, on 21 March...
Human Rights Groups Urge ICC to Open Investigation into the Situation in Palestine
Press Release On 10 March 2020, Palestinian, regional, and international human rights groups and civil society organisations engaged in a social media Twitter storm calling for the immediate openin...