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Israel’s Designation of the Democratic Progressive Student Pole an “Unlawful Association” Is Another Manifestation of its Apartheid Regime
On 21 October 2020, the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) officially declared the Democratic Progressive Student Pole (DPSP), the leftist bloc at Birzeit University, an “unlawful association”...
Launch of Legal Briefing Paper: COVID-19 and the Right to Health of Palestinians under Israeli Apartheid
On 7 December 2020, Al-Haq published its latest legal briefing paper titled ‘COVID-19 and the Right to Health of Palestinians under Israeli Occupation, Colonisation, and Apartheid.’ The br...
COVID-19 and the Right to Health of Palestinians under Israeli Occupation, Colonisation, and Apartheid
Israel’s settler-colonial project and institutionalised regime of systematic racial oppression and domination compound the denial of Palestinians’ underlying determinants of health on both...
Al-Haq Concludes Online Conference on the Continuing Struggle for the Decolonization of Palestine:  New Obstacles, Same Goal
On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly recommended the partition of Mandatory Palestine into Arab and Jewish states in its Resolution 181(II). As the international community exp...
Awaiting Solidarity Since 1947  Open Letter on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
In 1977, the United Nations (UN) chose the 29th of November to observe an annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, corresponding with the passage of the UN General Asse...
Al-Haq Condemns Statements by Mike Pompeo Designed to Distort Reality in Palestine
Al-Haq condemns, both as an irresponsible and flagrant attempt to obscure and disregard international law, and as a violation of international law and an internationally wrongful act, the recent state...
Will the International Community Take Concrete Actions to End Israel’s Long-Standing Policy of Forcible Transfer of Palestinians? 
On 3 November 2020, the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) raided and razed to the ground Khirbet Humsa al-Fawqa, a Palestinian Bedouin community in the Jordan Valley in the Occupied Palestinian Terr...
Palestinian and regional human rights organizations submit joint urgent appeal to UN Special Procedures on the escalating water and sanitation crisis in the Gaza Strip, oPt
Yesterday, four Palestinian and regional human rights organizations submitted a joint urgent appeal to the United Nations (UN) Special Procedures on the escalating water and sanitation crisis in the G...
Al-Haq Successfully Concludes its First Online Summer School
Ramallah, October 27, 2020. The Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law has concluded its 6th International Law Summer School program for 2020. The Course ran for a period of two weeks beginn...
Israel’s Ongoing and Systematic Smear Campaign against Al-Haq and its Staff Members
On 5 October 2020, Al-Haq sent a submission to the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders in response to a call for input issued by the Special Rap...
Al-Haq Participates in a Consultation Session for a Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence Legislation in Ireland
On 15 October 2020, Al-Haq participated in a consultation session organised by the Irish Coalition for Business and Human Rights. The consultation session comes as part of the Coalition’s Human...
Addressing the Human Rights Council, 56 Civil Society Organisations Highlight the Imminent Threat of Forcible Transfer/Deportation of Salah Hammouri
45th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council Item 7 – Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories Joint Oral Intervention   Date:...