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On World Health Day, Al-Haq Recounts Israel’s Systematic Denial of Palestinians’ Right to Health
On World Health Day, Al-Haq draws attention to the lives of Palestinians who are systematically targeted by Israel’s unlawful policies and practices, embedded in Israel’s settler coloniali...
Land Day: Commemorating Historical and Ongoing Land Expropriation and Suppression of Palestinian Resistance
On 30 March 1976, Israeli police killed six Palestinian citizens of Israel as they were protesting Israel’s expropriation of thousands of dunums of Palestinian land in the Galilee. Despite the I...
Land Day 2021: The Crimes of the Occupation and Dispossession of Palestinians Continue
Land Day commemorates the death of six Palestinians and the injuring of 70 others by Israeli gunfire in Nazareth in 1976 during protests against Israeli land expropriation. Land Day also serves to rem...
Special Focus: No to Second Oslo: Al-Haq Condemns the Palestinian Authority Gas Agreement, Subjecting Generations of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to Corporate Capture and Perpetual Closure
On 21 February 2021, the Palestinian Authority’s sovereign wealth fund, the Palestinian Investment Fund, signed an MOU with Egyptian company Egyptian Natural Gas Holdings (EGAS) to develop the G...
Al-Haq Condemns Israel’s Denial of Freedom of Movement of Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki as an Egregious Interference with Judicial Process at the International Criminal Court
Following a meeting on Thursday 18 March 2021 with the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, on Sunday 21 March 2021, Palestine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs...
World Water Day: Israel’s Discriminatory Policies in Palestine Constitute a Systemic Attack on the Palestinian People’s Right to Water and Sanitation at a Time of Unprecedented Global Pandemic
Since the initial observation of the United Nations World Water Day on 22 March 1993, Israel, as the Occupying Power in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), has continued to consolidate and expan...
Four Palestinian and Regional Civil Society Organisations Send Submission to UN Expert on Long-Term Detention of Human Rights Defenders
On 19 March 2021, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, and Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies sent a joint...
Más de 550 organizaciones  instan a Consejo de los Derechos Humanos de la ONU: No basta con condenar, se deben abordar las causas fundamentales, acabar con la impunidad de Israel y lograr justicia 
El pueblo palestino, que desde el inicio de la Nakba en 1948 sufre una opresión, un desplazamiento y una desposesión institucionalizados, sigue experimentando una Nakba constante, una re...
Non basta la condanna: bisogna affrontare le cause profonde, metter fine all'impunità di Israele, realizzare la giustizia 
Oltre 550 Organizzazioni fanno appello alla Commissione ONU per i Diritti Umani.     Inchiodati nell'oppressione istituzionalizzata, nei trasferimenti forzati e nell’espropriazio...
Al-Haq Recalls Global Struggle against Institutionalised Regimes of Racial Domination and Oppression on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
On 21 March 2021, the anniversary of the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre, wherein 69 peaceful protestors were killed with live fire by police in apartheid South Africa, and now the International Day for the...
Human Rights Organisations Highlight Israel’s Apartheid at the Human Rights Council and Stress the Need for International Accountability
On 19 March 2021, Al-Haq and partners addressed the Human Rights Council, highlighting Israel’s institutionalised domination and oppression of the Palestinian people and the colonisation of Pale...
Human Rights Organisations Urge the Human Rights Council to Establish a Fact-Finding Mission into Israel’s Apartheid Regime
On 18 March 2021, Al-Haq and partners addressed the Human Rights Council, highlighting the root causes of the prolonged denial of Palestinian rights inherent in Israeli settler-colonialism and aparthe...