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Al-Haq Sends Letters to Irish Parliamentarians to Support Motion on the Recognition of De Facto Annexation of Palestinian Territory as an Illegal Act, with Consequences
On 25 May 2021, Al-Haq sent letters to 160 members of the Irish Parliament (Dáil Éireann) urging their full support for the Annexation Motion, which will be voted on at 9:30 pm on Wednes...
Call for Action HRC 30th Special Session: Call on the United Nations Human Rights Council to adopt a resolution on the grave human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and in Israel
On 27 May 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) will hold a Special Session in relation to the escalating human rights violations against the Palestinian people on both sides o...
Letter to Prosecutor Bensouda Re: Situation in Palestine: Sheikh Jarrah – Communication from Legal Scholars & Advocates
  Ms. Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor Office of the Prosecutor International Criminal Court Oude Waalsdorperweg 10 The Hague, The Netherlands 11 May 2021 Re: Situation in Pales...
Attacks on Business Properties by Israel’s Offensive in Gaza: Sweeping and Indiscriminate Destructions Designed to have an Enduring Economic Effect
Since 10 May 2021, Israel’s military offensive on the Gaza Strip has cost a devastating human toll. As of 20 May 2021, 6:00 pm, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza reported 232...
Palestinian Civil Society Organisations Call for a Special Session on the Escalating Israeli Attacks against Palestinians on Both Sides of the Green Line
As the Human Rights Council will hold its 30th Special Session on the grave human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory on 27 May 2021, Palestinian civil society organisations[1] ...
Israeli Occupying Forces Perpetrate Widespread and Systematic Attacks Against the Civilian Palestinian Population in the Gaza Strip, the International Criminal Must Prioritise Investigation
(Reporting Period 15 -17 May 2021)   In a two day period marked by indiscriminate bombing of concentrated residential properties, by 17 May 2021, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza...
General Director of Al-Haq Sends a Message to the World, as the General Assembly Meets Today
Addressing the international community, and its leaders, Shawan Jabarin, the General Director of Al-Haq, highlighted how the international community’s lack of political will to hold Israel to an...
No Safe Home: Israel Unleashes a Relentless Campaign of Intense and Targeted Bombing Attacks on Civilian Properties Across the Gaza Strip
(Field Report: 14 – 15 May 2021)[1]   Date: 18 May 2021   Throughout Friday 14 May 2021 and as Palestinians and the international community gathered to march and commemorat...
Open Letter to UN Security Council: Palestinians call for concrete and immediate actions to address root causes of prolonged denial of Palestinian rights, words of condemnation are not enough
Today, Sunday 16 May 2021, the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) will finally meet and discuss publicly the on-going Israeli military assault on the Gaza Strip, and the escalation of att...
Al-Haq Sends Urgent Appeal Calling on the International Community to Intervene to Ensure Electricity Supply to the Gaza Strip
On 15 May 2021, Al-Haq sent an urgent appeal to United Nations Special Procedures highlighting the potential, imminent and inevitable collapse of vital sectors in Gaza, including the health, wate...
73 Years of Ongoing Nakba, Palestinians Continue to be Steadfast against Israel’s Settler-Colonial and Apartheid Regime
Today, as the Palestinian people commemorate the Nakba day, Palestinians continue to raise their voices against Israel’s settler-colonial and apartheid regime. The Gaza Strip is i...
International Community Must Address Root Causes, of Colonialism, Apartheid and De Facto Annexation Leading to Killing of 123 Palestinians and injury of over 1,500 in an Eid of Israeli Terror
Al-Haq Field Updates (8 -11 May 2021)[1]     Since 8 May 2021 Al-Haq has documented widespread and systematic attacks on the Palestinian civilian population, as Israeli Occupying Fo...