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During CIGA’s Second International Solidarity with Palestine Award Ceremony, Al-Haq Receives the Human Rights Award
On 17 June 2021, Al-Haq received the Human Rights Award during the Second International Solidarity with Palestine Award Ceremony, which was organized by the Center for Islam and Gl...
Israel’s Attack on the Palestinian Health Work Committees is Part of its Systematic Targeting of Palestinian Civil Society 
Al-Haq condemns in the strongest terms the most recent attack on the Health Work Committees (HWC), a Palestinian non-governmental health and developmental organisation, which provides health services,...
The Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law concludes the Online International Law Summer School Program 2021 (Edition I)
“The organization and management of the course… was excellent while the teaching was exceptional and of university standard. This is a very significant initiative in deepening the un...
Al-Haq Commends Outgoing Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s Efforts to Ensure Accountability for Crimes Perpetrated in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Looks Forward to Support Future Investigations 
On 7 June 2021, Al-Haq attended Dr Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), virtual farewell, along with some 300 attendees. The virtual event featured several guest speak...
Al-Haq Welcomes the Chilean Parliament’s Introduction of a Bill Prohibiting the Import of Illegal Settlement Goods, Products and Services
Al-Haq welcomes the drafting and tabling of a bill in the Chilean Parliament prohibiting the importation of goods produced in and sourced from illegal settlements in occupied territories. The resoluti...
Al-Haq and Partners Send Written Submissions Ahead of the 47th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council
On 31 May 2021, Al-Haq and partners submitted four written submissions ahead of the upcoming 47th regular session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council, which will be held between 21 Ju...
In Repression of Palestinian Assembly, Israel Instigates a Campaign of Collective Punishment in Jerusalem  
Reporting Period: 25-31 May 2021 On 25 May 2021, at around 1:00 am, the Jerusalem municipality, under the protection of the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF), erased Palestinian wall murals painted in...
Al-Haq Meets with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation
On 2 June 2021, Al-Haq met with the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, Mr. Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, to brief him on the human rights situation...
Al-Haq Welcomes Historic Resolution Addressing the Root Causes of Attacks Against the Palestinian People on Both Sides of the Green Line 
Al-Haq welcomes the adoption of a historic resolution during the 30th Special Session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC). Adopted by a vote of 24 in favour, 9 against and 14 ab...
Al-Haq Thanks the Irish Parliament for Passing the Historic Motion on the Recognition of De Facto Annexation of Palestinian Territory as an Illegal Act, with Consequences
On 26 May 2021, the Irish Parliament (Dáil Éireann) recognized and condemned the de facto annexation of Palestine by the State of Israel, as illegal. Ireland is the f...
Joint Media Release: Palestinian and Australian human rights organisations call on Australian Government to condemn Israel’s crimes in Gaza and East Jerusalem and reject strengthening trade with Israel
In a submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Palestinian and Australian human rights organisations have called on the Australian Government to undertake an urgent review of a...
Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan: Ongoing Nakba and Israeli Dispossession of Palestinians 
On 21 May 2021, a ceasefire announced the ending of Israel’s 11-day military offensive on the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the killing of at least 248 Palestinians, includin...