Palestinian Civil Society Organisations Host Diplomatic Briefing, Calling for Immediate Intervention to Rescind Israeli Criminalisation and for Protection
On 25 October 2021, Palestinian civil society organizations hosted a joint diplomatic briefing at Al-Haq’s office in Ramallah, which addressed the ramifications of Israel’s unpre...
Human Rights Organizations Condemn the Decision of the Occupation and Apartheid Government concerning the six Palestinian civil society and human rights organizations
Human Rights Organizations Condemn the Decision of the Occupation and Apartheid Government concerning the six Palestinian civil society and human rights organizations And Calls upon I...
Palestinian Civil Society Organisations Host Press Conference at Al-Haq, Calls on International Community to Intervene to Protect Against Israeli Attacks
On 23 October 2021, Palestinian civil society organizations, hosted a joint press conference at Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law in Ramallah. The press conference addressed the sh...
Organisasi Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) Palestina Tidak Akan Bungkam, dan Menyerukan Komunitas Internasional Mengambil Tindakan Nyata Untuk Mencabut Pernyataan Serampangan Israel
Al-Haq menentang keras pernyataan Kementerian Pertahanan Israel, pada 19 Oktober 2021, yang menyebut Al-Haq dan lima organisasi masyarakat sipil Palestina lainnya sebagai “organisasi teroris,&rd...
Al-Haq Calls on Third States to Publicly Condemn and Call for the Full Rescinding of Israel’s Designation of Palestinian Human Rights NGOs as ‘Terrorist Organisations’
Today, Al-Haq sent letters to European Union and Third States calling on them to publicly condemn and call for the full rescinding of Israel’s designation of Palestinian human rights NGOs as &ld...
As ONGs palestinas de direitos humanos não serão silenciadas e conclamam a comunidade internacional a tomar ações concretas para rescindir as bárbaras designações israelenses
Al-Haq rejeita veementemente a designação feita pelo Ministério da Defesa de Israel, em 19 de outubro de 2021, de Al-Haq e cinco outras organizações da sociedade civ...
Organisasi-Organisasi Masyarakat Sivil Palestin Tidak Akan Didiamkan dan Menyeru Agar Masyarakat Antarabangsa Mengambil Langkah-Langkah Konkrit Untuk Membatalkan Pengiktirafan Israel Yang Tidak Bertamadun
Al-Haq menolak sekeras-kerasnya terhadap pengiktirafan Kementerian Pertahanan Israel di bawah undang-undang anti-keganasan domestik Israel 2016 yang bertarikh 19 Oktober 2021, di mana Al-Haq dan lima...
Le ONG palestinesi per i diritti umani non saranno messe a tacere e invitano la comunità internazionale a intraprendere azioni concrete per revocare le barbare designazioni israeliane.
Al-Haq respinge fermamente la designazione del 19 ottobre 2021 da parte del Ministero della Difesa israeliano di Al-Haq e di cinque altre organizzazioni della società civile palestinese come &q...
ONG-urile palestiniene pentru drepturile omului nu vor fi reduse la tăcere. Ele cer comunității internaționale să ia măsuri concrete și să revoce decizia barbară a guvernului israelian
Al-Haq respinge cu fermitate decizia luată pe 19 octombrie 2021 de ministerul israelian de apărării de a desemna Al-Haq și alte cinci organizații ale societății civile palestiniene drept „organi...
Palestyńskie organizacje pozarządowe nie dadzą się uciszyć i wzywają społeczność międzynarodową do podjęcia konkretnych działań i powstrzymania izraelskich barbarzyńskich oskarżeń
English | German | French | Hindi | Spanish
Al-Haq stanowczo odrzuca określenie Al-Haq i pięciu innych palestyńskich organizacji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego jako "organizacji terror...
Les ONG Palestiniennes de Défense des Droits de l’Homme ne Seront pas Réduites au Silence, Elles Appellent la Communauté Internationale à Prendre des Mesures Concrètes pour Faire Annuler les Désignations Barbares d’Israël
English | German | Spanish | Hindi | Polish
Al-Haq réfute fermement la désignation d'Al-Haq et de cinq autres organisations de la société civile...
Palestijnse mensenrechten-NGO's laten zich niet monddood maken en roepen de internationale gemeenschap op tot concrete actie om de barbaarse Israëlische aanwijzingen ongedaan te maken
Al-Haq verwerpt met kracht de aanwijzing door het Israëlische ministerie van Defensie, op 19 oktober 2021, van Al-Haq en vijf collega Palestijnse middenveldorganisaties als "terreurorganisat...