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Al-Haq Statement on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
  Al-Haq Statement on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Date: 29 November 2021 29 November, marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian Peopl...
COP26: Al-Haq Sends A Letter to the Gates Foundation on its Partnership with Israel
Al-Haq strongly regrets the establishment of a partnership between Israel and the Gates Foundation on climate change innovation.  On 2 November 2021, Israel’s Primer Minister Naftali Be...
Pegasus Spyware-Überwachung von palästinensischen Menschenrechtsverteidigern 
Front Line Defenders (FLD) sieht die Delegitimitierung sechs führender, palästinensischer, zivilgeselschaftlicher Organisationen als Terrororganisationen als einen erneuten Versuch den Ruf d...
In the Aftermath of COP26: A Rights-Based Solution to Climate Change is Needed to Counter Israel’s Greenwashing 
Israel’s unusually large delegation to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) held from 31 October to 12 November 2021 boasted of its...
Palestinian Civil Society Organizations Collectively Call for Cancellation of Normalization Meetings with Ms. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, in Solidarity with the Six Designated Organizations
In light of the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Ms. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, (“U.S. Ambassador”), current visit to Israel, Palestine and Jordan, and following statements re...
COP26: Intersectional Oppression, the Aggravated Impacts of Climate Change on Palestinian Women
This brief is part of a series on climate change, its adverse effects and the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime, published in the context of the UN Climate Change Conference COP26. Date: 9 Novembe...
COP26: Al-Haq Joins ESCR-Net’s Call to Deliver on Loss and Damage with a Focus on Human Rights
This brief is part of a series on climate change, its adverse effects and the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime, published in the context of the UN Climate Change Conference COP26. Date: 10 Novemb...
Al-Haq and Five ‘Outlawed’ Organisations Send Joint Letters to UN Offices and Representatives Urging Continued International Pressure on Israel
On 5 November 2021, Al-Haq and five fellow Palestinian civil society organisations: Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer), Bisan Center for Research and Development, Defe...
PHROC, CAC & Others Send Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on Israel’s Permanent Illegal Annexation of Jerusalem
On 8 November 2021, the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC), compromising of eleven Palestinian human rights organizations, along with the Community Action Center/ Al-Quds Universit...
Spyware Surveillance of Palestinian Human Rights Defenders 
GERMAN After the Israeli designation of six of the leading Palestinian civil society organizations; Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Al-Haq Law in the Service of Man (Al...
Al-Haq Welcomes Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs’ Principled Position Regarding the Designation of Six Palestinian Civil Society Organisations as “Terror Organisations”
Al-Haq welcomes Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney’s strong and principled position regarding the Israeli designation of six Palestinian civil society organisations as &ld...
Alert:  Israel Takes Alarming Steps to Enforce its Persecution of Six Palestinian Organisations in the West Bank, International Community Must Intervene 
  Al-Haq strongly condemns the military order issued by Israel's commander-in-chief of the Central Command to transpose its unlawful designation of Al-Haq as a “terrorist organizatio...