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Palestinian Prisoners Day: Israel Detains 2,140 Palestinians since January in Mass Arrest Campaign
Every year, on 17 April, Palestine marks a national day in support of the Palestinian political prisoners imprisoned by Israel, the Occupying Power. Israel’s settler-colonial and apartheid regim...
Joint Submission to the UN Secretary-General on Intimidation and Reprisals for Cooperation with the UN in the Field of Human Rights
On 15 April 2022, Al-Haq, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, and Human Rights and Democracy Media Center SHAMS submitted a communication in response to the call for inputs on...
Action Alert: International Community must Intervene to Stop Escalating Violence Against Palestinians by Israeli Occupying Forces and Colonial Settlers
Violence by Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) and Israeli colonial settlers has and continues to escalate towards Palestinians across the West Bank and Jerusalem in the month of Ramadan.[1] Since the beg...
Open Letter to Members of the UN’s General Assembly Regarding the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs
Open Letter to Members of the UN’s General Assembly Regarding the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs   To: Member States of the UN General Assembly Cc: President of ECOSOC, President of the...
The Six Palestinian Civil Society Organizations Demand Concrete Action to Revoke Israel's Sinister Designation
Joint Press Statement on behalf of the Six!   The Six prominent Palestinian civil society and human rights organizations welcomed the meeting organized by the Carter Center in Ramallah toda...
Press Release: Al-Haq at the UNHRC 49th Session Focuses Interventions on Israel’s Apartheid
During the month-long 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council (28 February – 01 April 2022), Al-Haq focused its efforts to highlight Israel’s multi-layered regime of institutionalized...
The Palestinian Digital Rights Coalition welcomes the filing of a lawsuit against the Israeli Surveillance tech NSO Group
The Palestinian Digital Rights Coalition (PDRC) welcomes the filing of a lawsuit against the Israeli Surveillance tech NSO Group for infiltrating the phone of Palestinian-French lawyer and human right...
Al-Haq and partners welcome the Human Rights Committee concluding observations on Israel emphasizing the “pre-existing systematic and structural discrimination against non-Jews”
On 30 March 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Committee (the Committee) issued its concluding observations on its review of Israel’s implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and...
High-level side event with partners and Special Rapporteur Lynk to present latest findings concluding that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid
Special Focus: On Palestine Land Day, Al-Haq Highlights the Continued Nakba Through Land Registration Aimed at Mass Forcible Transfer
Every year since 1976, Palestinians everywhere mark Land Day on 30 March, to commemorate the killing of six Palestinians and the injuring of over 70 others by Israeli forces on 30 March 1976 during de...
Al-Haq Honors the work of UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territory as the term of his Mandate Comes to an End
On 25 March 2022, Al-Haq held a celebratory event in Geneva honoring the work of professor Michael Lynk, as the term of his six-year mandate (2016-2022) as the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation o...
Al-Haq Sends Joint Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Arbitrary Arrest and Detention of Human Rights Defender and Lawyer, Salah Hammouri
On 21 March 2022, a joint urgent appeal was submitted to the UN special procedures from the Association France Palestine Solidarite; Cairo Institute for Human Rights studies; the Palestinian Human Rig...