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Special Focus: 55-years too long, a lethal occupation fuelled by international inaction
This week marks 55 years since the start of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territory (i.e., the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip), a belligerent occupation which ha...
Al-Haq Welcomes General Mills Divestment from Israeli Settlements and Highlights the Importance of the UN Database on Business and Human Rights as a Tool Against Illegal Settlement Enterprise
Al-Haq welcomes General Mills’ decision to divest from “its joint venture in Israel”, where products from its subsidiary, Pillsbury, have been produced in the Atarot industrial zone...
Al-Haq Launches Detailed Legal Report on Israel’s Khudair Warehouse Chemical Attack on the Gaza Strip supporting Forensic Architecture Investigation
Al-Haq’s Legal Research and Advocacy Department has released a comprehensive legal report, “Khudair Warehouse: Israel’s Chemical Attack on the Gaza Strip”. This report builds o...
The Shelling of Khudair Warehouse: Chemical Warfare by Indirect Means
Date of incident: 15 May, 2021 Publication date: 28 May, 2022 Location: Gaza, Palestine Commissioned by: Al-Haq Center Methodologies: OSI, Interviews, Ground Truth, 3D Modeling, Synchroniz...
Open Letter to the President of the European Parliament  of the Denial of European Members of Parliament into Palestine by Israeli Apartheid Regime
Open Letter to the President of the European Parliament                                  Subject: Denial of E...
Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Submit File to the ICC, Urge Prosecutor to Open Cases from Attack on Palestinians in Gaza in May 2021
The Hague, 23 May 2022 – Today, the Palestinian Human Rights organizations Al-Haq, Al Mezan and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) filed a submission to the Office of the Prosecutor...
Press Release: Civil Society Organizations support the submission by HRD Salah Hammouri urging the ICC to Investigate Israel’s Ongoing War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Jerusalem
National, regional, and international civil society organizations,* welcome today’s communication submitted to the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on beh...
Press Release: The Killing of Shireen Abu Aqleh Highlights Israel’s Impunity for Crimes and Increased Use of Arbitrary Lethal Force against the Palestinian People
Al-Haq condemns in the strongest possible terms the direct killing of prominent Palestinian female journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh while on an assignment covering Israeli incursions in Jenin refugee camp...
Al-Haq Sends Letter to The Office of the U.S. Vice President, Contesting its Support of the Israel’s Settler-Colonial and Apartheid Illegal Settlement Enterprise
On April 16, United States Vice President, Kamala Harris, and Second Gentleman, Douglas Emhoff, held a Seder at the Vice President’s Residence in which wine from Psagot Winery, an illegal Israel...
Al-Haq Welcomes the Statement by UN Human Rights Experts Calling on Governments to Take Immediate Effective Steps to Protect the Six Designated Organisations
Al-Haq welcomes the statement by twelve United Nations (UN) human rights experts calling on the international community to take “immediate and effective steps to protect and sustain the six Pale...
The Six Designated Organizations Call for Urgent International Intervention to Revoke the Designations
Six months have passed since Israel’s settler-colonial and apartheid regime outlawed six of the leading Palestinian human rights and civil society organizations (CSOs), as “terror organiza...
Al-Haq Calls for Immediate Effective Measures by the International Community to Halt Escalating Israeli Violence against Palestinians
Al-Haq has expressed its alarm at the rising escalation in attacks against Palestinians currently taking place. Letters have been dispatched to the United Nations Security Council, as well as the wide...