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Al-Haq Sends Four Written Submissions Ahead of the 51st Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council
Al-Haq Sends Four Written Submissions Ahead of the 51st Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council On 22 August 2022, Al-Haq submitted four written submissions ahead of the upcoming 51st&n...
Al-Haq Sends Letters to Over 80 Third States, Calling for Action as Israel Threatens General Directors of DCI-Palestine and Al-Haq, with Imprisonment
Al-Haq sent over 80 letters to Third States on Sunday, 21 August 2022, calling for action, as Israeli authorities summoned the General Directors of two of the designated organisations for questioning,...
#StandWithThe6: Joint Statement from Designated Palestinian Organizations Raided, Closed and Pillaged by Israeli Occupying Forces
In the early morning of 18 August 2022, Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) forcibly entered, raided, ransacked and damaged properties of six designated Palestinian civil society organizations: Al-Haq...
Alert: Israeli Occupying Forces Raid, Damage and Close Offices of Al-Haq and other Designated Organisations, International Community Must Intervene
#StandWithThe6 During the early morning hours of 18 August 2022, at approximately 3:00 am, Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) entered Ramallah, targeting, forcibly entering, raiding the offices and con...
Al-Haq Attends Human Rights Council, 50th Session, Highlights Israel’s Annexationist, Apartheid and Settler-Colonial Practices
Between 13 June and 8 July 2022, Al-Haq participated in the 50th session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC), which was held in hybrid form. Along with partner organizations, Al-Haq...
Civil Society Organizations Stand with the Commission of Inquiry against Rising Attacks
The undersigned organisations extend their full support and pledge their ongoing cooperation with the UN Commission of Inquiry on Palestine, which has been under mounting attack, led by Israel, includ...
Israel’s Indiscriminate and Disproportionate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians Violates International Humanitarian law, Indicate War Crimes
Israel’s Indiscriminate and Disproportionate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians Violates International Humanitarian law, Indicate War Crimes (Reporting Period 6-7 August 2022) Date: 8 August...
Al-Haq Sends Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures: Take All Necessary Measures to Cease Violence and Ensure Humanitarian Supplies to Occupied Gaza Strip
Today, Al-Haq sent an urgent appeal to UN Special Procedures, calling for immediate and urgent intervention, to cease the escalation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip and to ensure the delivery of huma...
Al-Haq Condemns Israel’s Provocation of Hostilities in the Gaza Strip, Killing 10 Palestinians, including Alaa Qaddoum, aged five, and Injuring 75 Palestinians
Today, Friday 5 August 2022, Israel launched a military offensive on the Gaza Strip, killing 10 Palestinians, amongst which were civilians, including a five-year-old girl and a woman. According to the...
The Palestinian Six Civil Society Organizations Welcome Steps Taken by Several States and Lawmakers Against Israel’s Arbitrary Criminalization of Their Critical Work
The six Palestinian civil society organizations welcome recent steps taken by States and Law Makers following Israel’s settler-colonial and apartheid regime’s arbitrary and baseless design...
Al-Haq Strongly Condemns the Latest Agreement Between the US and Israel to Circumvent the Investigation in the Situation in Palestine at the ICC
As they met on 14 July, President Biden and Israel’s Prime Minister Lapid reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to Israel’s ‘security’ as well as the strategic U.S.-Is...
Al-Haq Sends Letters to Corporations Complicit in the Denial of Palestinian Access to and Ownership of Water in the OPT
On May 25, Al-Haq sent letters to several corporations highlighted in Al-Haq’s upcoming report on corporate complicity in denying Palestinian’s access to and pillaging water resources in t...